Phototherapy & Infrared Sauna Benefits
Infrared saunas alone are an effective tool for natural health and preventive health measures. Infrared waves provide radiant heat that are absorbed directly into the body. New infrared technology can offer a full range of infrared waves from far infrared to near infrared, providing similar but varied health benefits. Our saunas can offer near, mid and far infrared as well as full spectrum lighting.
Full Spectrum lighting is a feature that is exclusive to SunSauna, standing at the forefront of sauna innovation and technology. Full spectrum lighting is much different than “full spectrum infrared” claims made by other sauna manufacturers. Our full spectrum light systems provides photo-therapy or light therapy for users. Light therapy has been extremely helpful in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as well as other forms of depression and insomnia. For the average user, the combination of light therapy and infrared heat multiplies standard sauna benefits exponentially.
SunSauna is not just a sauna, a SunSauna is a heat and light therapy device.
Improve Mood, Boost Energy
When our body is exposed to the light, it triggers our pineal gland to produce serotonin and other endorphins. These endorphins help improve mood and boost energy levels. This light is used to treat SAD which is common in the short and dark winter days.
Stress Reduction
SunSauna helps to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Far infrared heat deeply relaxes tense muscles while full spectrum light boosts your bodys levels of serotonin.You can also take advantage of in sauna stereo system and a soothing aromatherapy dispenser.
Immune System Boost
By increasing body temperature and inducing a false fever, infrared heat helps to boost your immune system response, helping prevent colds or sickness. As the infrared heat penetrates deeper to the cellulite layer it flushes stored toxins and increases blood circulation.
Cardiovascular Workout
A session in a SunSauna increases your bodies heart rate, blood flow and metabolic rate. Just 20 minutes provides a cardiovascular workout similar to a 2-3 mile run or 30 minutes of aerobics. Even NASA has used infrared passive exercise as a way to keep astronauts fit during space flights.
Flush Toxins
SunSauna’s infrared heat provides 9-20 times greater detoxification of heavy metals; such as lead, aluminum, cadmium, and mercury, as well as fat soluble organic toxins. In addition, infrared heat produces 3 times more sweat than conventional hot air
Body Balancing
SunSauna’s act as a body balancing system to keep your bodys primary functions in check. Far infrared heat will help regulate blood pressure, digestion, immune function and circadian rhythm. While full spectrum light helps with insomnia by resetting our internal clock.
Pain Relief and Reduction
SunSauna’s deep far infrared heat penetrates 1-1/2″ beneath the skin to each muscles and join tissues. The radiant heat reduces lactic acid, which reduces the soreness and stiffness caused by strenuous exercise.
Weight Loss
When it comes to burning calories, infrared heat from SunSauna’s have been clinically shown to dramatically aid in weight loss. Regular use of a SunSauna may be an effective means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning calories, akin to regular exercise.